Whimsical World of Conservatism
Food for thought for the
George Soros, Teressa Heinz Kerry, Tides Foundation et al wing of
the Republican Party.
McCain graduates from
Annapolis, 894th out of a class of
898. McCain had conflicts with higher-ups, and he was disinclined
to obey every rule.
McCain loses the first of five aircraft he
will lose over the period of
his career as a Naval Pilot, contributing to him becoming a reverse
Ace. Poore states circa 1960. Article here states
1958. Ace
McCain graduates from flight
training. He is required to do six
arrested landings aboard the Training Aircraft Carrier, the USS
Antietam, in the Gulf of Mexico to be certified. He completes two.
McCain meets Cindy Hensley. She is
24, he is 42. They start dating
shortly thereafter. "I persuaded her to join me for drinks at the Royal
Hawaiian Hotel. By the evening's end, I was in love." Source: Dan
Norwicki and Bill Muller LINK
McCain officially ended cohabiting with
Carol his first wife according to court documents.
McCain sues Carol his first wife for
divorce. Ronald and Nancy Reagan
are not amused and rush to Carol's aid. Ed Meese and others step in to
help Carol with jobs and lodging.
McCain obtains marriage license to marry
Cindy Hensley
McCain's divorce to Carol is granted
(Carol does not contest this divorce, and doesn't enter into the
procedings at all)
McCain marries Cindy Hensley
1982/00/00 McCain
enters Congress, with his family accepts first of nine trips some
aboard Keating's leer jet, three of which include stayovers at
Keating's Caribbean resort (goes unreported for up to 7 years)
McCain joins 26 other Republicans to vote
with the Majority Party
Congressional Democrats to demand U.S. Troops exit Lebanon, winds up on
the losing side
1986/04/00 McCain's wife Cindy
and her father invest $359,100 in a Charles Keating strip mall
1987/00/00 McCain
has received $112,000 by this time for Congressional and Senate
campaigns, from Charles Keating, his relatives, and his employees, the
largest amount to any Keating 5 member
1987/04/02 McCain
joins four Democrats to intercede on behalf of his S&L Owner friend
with Ed Gray, chairman of the
Federal Home Loan Bank Board and also banking regulators (2 meetings)
McCain votes to affirm Anthony Kennedy as
a justice for the SCOTUS
discloses Keating trips as his involvement in the S&L scandal
breaks, reimbursing $13,433.00 with no repercussions as late as seven
years after the fact
McCain votes to Confirm Justice David H.
Souter from New Hampshire
to be an Associate Justice on the SCOTUS Court
McCain and John Kerry release the Select
Committee report urging the
issue be put to rest so that Vietnam could be granted normalized
relations with the U.S., over objections by MIA family and veterans
groups. Video1
( I do not endorse all of the information presented in video1
here. The video does touch on a number of topics, and I think
most are germane ) If I could have found video that contained
most of this information without touching on McCain's POW experience I
would have posted it instead. Still, there are parts of McCain's
POW experience that are troubling. I'd just rather not go
there. Video2 shows how one MIA family rep is treated, confirming
some of the reports in Video1.
McCain joins the Democrats and most
Republicans voting to confirm Ruth
Bader Ginsberg, the worst justice on the court today. Three
Republicans vote Nay.
McCain co-sponsors an unsuccessful bill to
cut off funding of
United States troops in Somalia
McCain joins with the Democrats to confirm
nominee Stephen Breyer to be
an Associate Justice on the SCOTUS. Nine Senators voted Nay...
McCain/Feingold first start pushing for and submitting bills for
Campaign Finance Reform, and although it crashes and burns a number of
times, they dogedly keep reintroducing revamped legislation for that
purpose Feingold
McCain leads the opposition to the Coats
Amendment, preventing
government funded fetal tissue research ( derived from "a legal act"
[abortion] ) Amendment defeated!
McCain advocates sending our ground troops
into the Balkins.
McCain stated, "Certainly in the short
term, or even the long term, I
would not support repeal of Roe vs. Wade,"
McCain joins Democrat Russ Feingold to
introduce Campaign Finance
Reform, an effort funded by George Soros Article
McCain was the keynote speaker at the
ultra-liberal Philadelphia
convention sponsored by George Soros while John F. Kerry keynoted at
another Soros
event on the same day...
McCain participates in the production of a
gun control spot for
Oregon's Proposition Five. (Circa this date, prior to the
November election.) Article
McCain founded the Reform Institute funded
by George Soros' Open
Society Institute, Teresa Heinz Kerry's Tides Foundation, several other
non-profits. CapnsQtrs
WND Contains information on
Juan Hernandez and numerous McCain Campaign staff from 2000, that found
potitions at the Reform Institute Contains information on who
funded McCain's efforts on Campaign Finance Reform, Comprehansive
Immigration Reform and a number of Global Warming bills listed in this
McCain introduces the Gun Show Loophole
bill S890, with Carper,
Lieberman, DeWine, Clinton, and Schumer co/sponsoring. Analysis
McCain defends Jeffords for switching parties and caucusing with the
Democrats, saying the Republican party treated him and others unfairly,
who wouldn't tow the party line. This remained true to form for
McCain as he had been shooting his mouth off at the expense of the Bush
administration on just about any public forum he could claw his way
into since Bush had secured the White House in December of 2000.
McCain was very bitter that Bush had bested him in the primaries of
2000, and he determined to take his pound of flesh from the Bush
administration at every opportunity. See also Peak Maverick and
other here.
2002/03/27 McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform is enacted, becomes law 2003 01 01
2003/03/18 McCain takes the floor of the Senate to speak out against Bush tax cuts.
McCain joins Democrats to vote against drilling in ANWR
McCain joins Lieberman again, this time to introduce the
Stewardship Act (Gorebal worming et al) it falls short in the Senate
vote on this day Thomas Bill
McCain Lieberman bill is addressed by Kit Bond
McCain states he would entertain an offer
to be John Kerry's
Vice-President, but doesn't see a realistic scenario where he would be
asked. Later denies he would leave the Republican party. YouTube
McCain Defends John Kerry on Defense
McCain joins Lieberman again, this time to
introduce another Climate
Warming bill with ten Democrat and ten Repbulican cosigners.
McCain states, "I believe my party has
gone astray, I think the
Democratic Party is a fine party, and I have no problems with it, in
their views and their philosophy, but I also feel the Republican Party
can be brought back to the principles I articulated before."
2006/04/04 McCain
offers anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.
Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job
offer. “I’ll take it!” one man shouted. McCain supporting guest worker
McCain signs letter with 58 Senators, "We
write to urge you (President
Bush) to expand
the current federal policy concerning embryonic stem cell research."
2004/08/05 McCain
announces he deplores the Swift Boat adds against Senator John Kerry,
and asks the White House to refute them LINK2
McCain resigns from the Reform Institute
he founded with George
Soros. His top advisors remain on the Reform Institute payroll,
making big dollars.
2005/01/12 McCain introduces a bill (S1033)
on the floor of the Senate, during the first session of the 109th
Congress. It's co-authors are Ted Kennedy, Brownbeck, Lieberman,
Graham, and Salazar. The bill among other things, initiates a
study (Section 1004)
on how to set up a system where U.S. health insurers can become
bi-national, providing health insurance to U.S. and Mexican
citizens. McCain was trying to set up a road to health care for
Mexican nationals. Is this more infrastructure being 'harmonized' in
the effort to establish a one hemispheric entity, the North American
Union? One must ponder, Is John MeCain our Senator, a Mexican
Senator ruling from our side of the border, or a representative of the
United Nations assigned to relegate the United States to a nation whose
citizens have absolutely no way to affect the laws they are subject
to? If we're just part of the North American Union, what real
sovereignty will we have? What ability will we have to demand our
laws be changed, if two other nations want those laws because they
favor them?
McCain declares, "I want us in the ICC
(International Criminal Court)",
but I would like to see more safeguards first
McCain joins Ted Kennedy to introduce
McCain/Kennedy immigration
legislation that would wind up making illegal immigrants citizens
McCain joins 13 other Republican and Democrat Senators to
form the Gang
of 14, foolishly opting to preserve an undemocratic Senate rule instead
of following the Constitution and historical precedent. Analysis1 Analysis2
McCain addresses immigration reform ralley of mixed group including
SEIU and ACORN(in support of immigration reform bill) by saying, "What
makes America special is what's in this room tonight." additional video
McCain makes a lengthy statement on the floor of the United States
Senate, addressing immigration reform, lauding the illegal alien with
sympathetic stories, insulting U.S. workers, and focusing on those who
die coming across the border. He fails to call for repatriation,
or national guard troops on the border. Within weeks President
Bush announces he will send 6,000 nation guard troops to the border.
McCain states, "I would rather have a clean government than
one where
quote First Amendment rights are being respected that has become
McCain joins Dole to write op-ed for the
Washington Post, states in
part, "We should publicly remind Khartoum that the International
Criminal Court has jurisdiction to prosecute war crimes..."
McCain writes letter to the incoming
defense secretary Robert Gates stating Airbus Government subsidy issue
"may risk eliminating competition before bids are submitted,..." The
Air Force changed the criteria four days later, eliminating subsidy
consideration. As of 2008/03/11, top current advisers to Sen.
John McCain's presidential campaign last year lobbied for a European
plane maker that beat Boeing to a $35 billion Air Force tanker
contract, taking sides in a bidding fight that McCain has tried to
referee for more than five years. Two of the advisers gave up
their lobbying work when they joined McCain's campaign. A third, former
Texas Rep. Tom Loeffler, lobbied for the European Aeronautic Defence
and Space Co. while serving as McCain's national finance chairman.
McCain joins Joseph Lieberman to introduce the Climate
Stewardship and
Innovation Act. See related energy tax analysis here 2008/01/10
McCain states he will close Guantanamo Bay
terrorist detainment center
on his first day in office Video
(same as date link on the left)
McCain gets the pledged support of Chuck
and Sue Cobb, Jeb Bush's
Florida Director of the Free Trade of the Americas Agreement effort
McCain joins Baldwin, Shays and Meehan to
file an amicus brief against
the Wisconsin Right to Life organization brief
The wrong side of a pro-life issue, helping pro-abort Feingold
McCain's Gitmo problem, close the base,
grant some Geneva Convention status reserved for lawful combatants,
stop water boarding...
McCain still wants us to sign the L.O.S.T.
treaty in time, but does
have concerns over sovereignty issues.
McCain gets the Boston Globe's endorsement
in the Republican Primaries
McCain Lieberman energy tax is addressed
in National Review.
Intoduced here 2007/02/05
2008/01/16 McCain's Top 10 Class-Warfare Arguments Against Tax Cuts Human Events touches on them all here. He's sounding like a Democrat again...
McCain gets
the New York Times' endorsement in the Republican Primaries
McCain and Hillary share a lot of
political views says Bill Clinton. No comment
from the McCain camp. YouTube
McCain gets
the Los Angeles Times' endorsement in the Republican Primaries
McCain makes his first attempt to tell a
state (North Carolina)
Republican Party what to do. The RNC joins him. (North
Caroline tells him to pond sand)
McCain hires Meg Whiteman to cochair his
Presidential campaign.
Whiteman is another wishy washy at best Independent, who has donated to
leftist candidates and still doesn't have a clue what side to come down
on with regard to illegal immigration. She is leaning toward
running for Governor in California and being courted by it's Republican
leadership. Links to CalCowGirl's comments regarding Whiteman's
donations. Article above.
McCain speech to the World Affairs
Council, Europe may get veto power
over some of our foreign policy...
2008/03/26 McCains, John and Cindy telegraph support
for the independent state of
Kosovo. Cliff Kincaid at AIM comments...
McCain casts last Senate vote during his Presidential Campaign.
By the EOBD 06/30/08, he has missed 373 votes or 61.8% of the Senate
votes in the 110th Congress. His has cast one vote since
03/14/08. It was on April 8th. LINK
McCain's interview with O'Reilly... I
won't drill in ANWR... it's
pretty... I'm an environmentalist. (note: there's a good chance
he may have an environMental disorder)
McCain Joins the Goreball Worming Cult,
sounding more like Al Gore
every day... McCain's Oregon add Video
McCain takes an Environmental walk, with
the leader of the Cascade Land
Conservancy... (another series of fruit loop moments)
McCain calls for green-house gas cuts, and criticizes the Bush
administration (AGAIN), using Democrat talking points sounding just
like Al Gore.
McCain states he will appoint Democrats to
his administration, during a
Republican teleconference and during a Columbus
stump speech
McCain announces support for severe
cutbacks on our nuclear weapons,
withdrawing battlefield nukes from Europe and giving our nuclear waste
to an international body
McCain states, "I disagreed strongly with
the Bush administration's
mismanagement of the war in Iraq."
McCain tells Clinton supporters they
should back him because he voted
for Ginsberg and Breyer Said this to Conservatives on 2008/05/07
McCain joins Barack Obama today in signing
on to sponsor Joseph Bidens Global HIV/AIDS bill. This
monstrosity would cost the U.S. in excess of $50 Billion dollars of
taxpayer money S.2731
McCain and Obama are to address open
borders group in Los
Angeles on July 18th, 2008, Communists and worst of U.S. Illeagal Alien
appologist groups... It was announced on this date.
McCain and team realize he has so little
credibility on judicial
appointments, that they announce he will let Fred Thompson vet his
judges. That's 06/21/08's version of truth...
McCain declares, "I will make
comprehensive immigration reform my “top
priority,” during my first 100 days in office. He assures Latino
leaders that they will have an ally in the White House. As of
this date, Conservatives know they won't have one.
McCain Allies Find Financing Loopholes,
Governors' Fund Recruits Big
Donors; Bid to Catch Obama LINK
Another do as I say, not as I do moment. Well, a long series of
moments over time would be more like it.
McCain and Obama's cosponsored (Joe Biden
Originated) Global HIV/AIDS bill passes the Senate in a vote of 80 to
16. It now has to go back to the House for reconsiliation.
Bush actively lobbied for this $50 billion dollar monstrosity. S.2731
McCain offers $50 dollars an hour to Americans who will pick lettuce.
Audience members immediately raise their hands, and McCain gets
snippy. He says, "You must work all season, and you can't do
it!", insulting the American workers. Mark Levin covers it on his
show. LINK
2008/10/10 McCain states Obama is a decent person and you don't need to be scared of him being president. Video1 Tells folks to be respectful of Obama. He respects Okama and his accomplishments. Video2
2008/11/20 McCain supports Barack Obama's pick of Gov. Janet Napolitano as director of homeland security
McCain states he could understand why Spector would change parties,
being behind in the primary race. What does this bode for McCain
in 2010? If he's understands so well, is he willing to switch
2009/07/01 McCain's camp gets skewered by Tammy Bruce in her commentary titled, "McCain's Camp Praises Sanford and Trashes Palin?"
2009/07/12 McCain
plans to lead an effort to reverse the decision in committee that would
add $1.7 billion for 12 additional F-22s next year.
2009/07/13 McCain,
in an unusual alliance with the Obama administration, moved Monday to
eliminate $1.75 billion recently inserted into the proposed 2010
defense budget for more (F22) fighter jets from Lockheed Martin.
2009/07/14 McCain backs Obama on F-22 cuts, but advocates vow fight
2009/07/21 McCain gives credit to President Obama for standing firm, on cutting F22 funding
2009/09/24 McCain Palin break on F-22 cuts
2009/10/21 McCain says, “I haven’t looked at him that carefully because I haven’t
been around,” regarding Arpaio’s well-publicized exploits in the
Phoenix area, when asked what he thought of him. However McCain had
known enough about Arpaio around 2004 to back Mesa police Cmdr. Dan Saban over him.
2009/10/25 McCain defends Obama against Cheney's comments on his Afghanistan dithering, calls for unity with president
2009/11/18 McCain defends campaign staff against Palin
2009/12/02 McCain criticizes Obama for proposal to cut Medicare to fund health care, but fourteen months ago... this.
2009/12/06 McCain defends Palin while referring to her as irrelevent, then lauds her work
2010/01/10 McCain Strategist Schmidt trashes Palin, says McCain had planned to name Lieberman as his VP choice in 2008
2010/01/20 McCain coopts Palin for his own purposes.
2010/01/21 McCain and Brown meet, McCain's office... coopting alert
2010/01/21 McCain/Feingold Finance Reform takes big hit from SCOTUS, as Conservatives had first predicted Malkin
2010/01/22 McCain coopts Brown for his own purposes. Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome
2010/01/23 McCain's PAC supports California's former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina for U. S. Senate, likes Jessie Jackson and gender politics.
2010/01/26 McCain, U.S. Supreme Court overturns bulk of McCain/Feingold Act (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
2010/01/26 McCain, Bayh team up on spending freeze bill to back Obama, and to grant him line item veto.
McCain introduces the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010. Bill
S3002. The U.S. Government and the pharmaceutical industry have
been trying for decades to clamp down on dietary supplements, to
protect people from God knows what, to reduce competition with their
medications, and also to gain market share in this arena.
2010/03/04 McCain introduces the Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010 (S.3081)
on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Within this bill, it is directed
that U.S. Citizens can be declared an enemy of the state, and held
without charges indefinitely. Read it. This is your
government on steroids. John McCain, a deeply flawed individual...
McCain joins other Senators to form a caucus on Global Internet
Freedom. While sounding rather benign, McCain's past inability to
see things clearly, causes concern regarding any effort he decides to
become a part of, especially if it's as important as a tool of freedom
of speech. One can only wonder if this will come back to haunt us
like so many other things he's become involved in have.
2010/03/25 McCain calls for civility in debate over the Health Care bill, echos Democrats call for peace. RNC head Steele refuses to buy in.
McCain is taken to task by Andrew C. McCarthy in a commentary titled,
"the Mark of McCain". It seems McCain offered (and Graham was
involved too) an amendment that had terrible ramifications, in all
likelihood leading to the release of Mohamedou Slahi, one of the 9/11
plotters. Read the detailed summary at the link.
McCain, even the L.A. Times has his number. They herald his
movement to the right (during re-election bid). They also touch on how McCain coopted (my
term, not theirs) Palin and Brown for his benefit.
2010/03/26 McCain appears with Palin on FoxNews' "On the Record", with Greta Van Susteren. Among other things, Palin states, "I support his position on immigration."
2010/03/27 McCain calls in his favors from Palin, and she spends the day lavishing praise on him at appearances.
McCain's "FRIENDS" place this video on YouTube, making fun of
Republican concerns on a number of issues, utilizing juvenile tactics
to smear J.D. Hayworth. The attacks come off precisely the way a
Democrat attack would on each issue. I'm sure the Democrats will
appreciate this when they face Hayworth after he wins the primary.
McCain gets testy, "Agitated McCain: Don't call me a maverick" saying
he never thought of himself as a 'Maverick'. Strangely the last
few days are the first times he has objected to the title. His
face used to light up with an ear to ear grin when they began labeling
him as one eight to ten years ago. He was the darling of the
leftist Talking Head shows for nearly a decade for this reason
alone. He was willing to carp at the expense of his own party and
fellow members, buttressing the leftist paradigm. More links (1) (2) (3) See also: Peak Maverick this LINK, explaining in part why McCain was first called a Maverick. It started in 2001, and McCain reveled in it.
McCain is described by former Congessman Tom Tancredo as "a squish", "a
liberal Republican". Harsh comments at link, explaining what
McCain would have been like if elected president.
McCain, a search of his big donors in 2008, reveals some interesting
figures. Mr. Campaign Finance Reform himself, always a big mouth
about how much money floats around Washington, D.C. corrupting other
politicians, and himself pushing through un-Constitutional legislation
to limit such donations, had a sure fire method to make sure he got
his. Speaking of crooked, I can only wonder, was he speaking from
v 2010/04/22